Mint Julep Recipe

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mint julep in a glass with  a sprig of fresh mint

This first mint julep recipe is the most common I have come across.

It would be hard to make a julep recipe without fresh mint - frozen or dried wouldn't work.

Each recipe will serve one person.

If you want more, then you could make them in a jug - just multiply the quantities in the recipe.

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Mint Julep

There are many variations throughout the US, mainly associated with the Southern states and particularly the Kentucky Derby.

The standard method is 'muddling' the ingredients in the glass, which is mixing with a glass rod (you don't have to if you don't have one, just use a spoon). It's not one that you use a cocktail shaker for.

You muddle shaved  or crushed sugar with the mint and water until the sugar is dissolved.  add the crushed ice and pour the Bourbon over. Add a fresh mint spring for garnish.

Take one Collins glass (a largeish tumbler)

  • 4 fresh mint leaves
  • 2 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
  • 1 tspn sugar
  • 2 tspns water

Put the sugar into the glass - stir in the water until the sugar dissolves.

Bruise the mint leaves with your fingers and add to the glass - allow to steep.

Put some crushed ice into the bottom of the glass.

Fill up the glass with more crushed ice.

Pour the bourbon over and stir.

Serve with a straw you can garnish with a mint leaf if you like.

Original Mint Julep

  • 4 mint leaves
  • 2 tspn sugar
  • 3 oz bourbon whiskey
  • club soda

As above - make the sugar into a syrup or dissolve with a little club soda.

Add the bruised mint leaves - this will release the oils and scent.

Top up the glass with ice and pour over the bourbon.

Top up with club soda - another mint leaf if you like and serve.

Southern Mint Julep

  • 4 mint leaves
  • 2 tspn sugar
  • 1.5 oz bourbon whiskey
  • 1.5 oz southern comfort
  • club soda

Make as above, but with the mixture being bourbon and southern comfort - would imagine this would be really potent!

Club soda is plain carbonated water for those outside the US

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Mint Julep Recipe


Mint Julep Recipe

Wonderful Mint Julep, three variations from the classic with Bourbon to a Southern variation..

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Yield: 1

Main Ingredient: Bourbon

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