Ayurvedic Herbs

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In the course of research, I kept coming across the term 'ayurvedic herbs'.

It's the most fascinating topic for someone who's interested in herbs - an ancient (over 5000 years old) holistic ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic yogi cartoon

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The main philosophy of Ayurvedic followers is as a preventative, but there are claims that the uses are really wide ranging - treating diabetes, high cholesterol levels, erectile dysfunction to name but a few.

Yoga and meditation is a major part of the philosophy.

People are one of three Doshas - Kapha, Pitta, Vata and depending on their type, determines what herbal remedies and lifestyle changes they would be recommended to follow.

I haven't personally used this method - I'm fortunate in that I enjoy good health - but I'm a great believer in the power of herbs as a medicine and preventative - which is perhaps why I have such good health :-) I've followed the ancient European herbal science.

I've sourced some excellent material about ayurvedic medicine - I want The Herb Guide to be the best directory of all things herbal on the internet - the most complete source of information that you could possibly want. Just because I have no personal experience, doesn't mean to say it's not of interest to you or me.

I am in now way endorsing the use of these herbs - I am not medically qualified, just very interested in all things herbal.

I prefer to give nature a chance to heal before running off to the doctors to be treated with chemicals.

This book which is available as an immediate download via Kindle (you don't need a Kindle, you can download the app) or as a physical book is the most comprehensive book I've found. It starts at the beginning, explaining the philosophy and takes you through full explanations. It is very highly recommended amongst reviewers - they're a tough lot on Amazon! 

If you click on the cover photo below, you'll be able to see the amazing 5 star reviews. 

The information on this website is in no way intended as medical advice and nor should it be taken as such.

If symptoms don't improve, consult your doctor. 

If you have a medical condition, you must consult a Herbal Practitioner or a Medical Doctor. 

If you are pregnant, you must consult your doctor or nurse before trying any herbal remedy.

If you are already taking pharmaceuticals, then speak to your doctor about taking herbs - some drugs react badly with herbs and you need to know that you are not going to do more harm than good.

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