Green Tea Weight Loss

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Green tea in a cup

Green Tea Weight Loss. Is it possible to lose weight by drinking green tea?

It certainly looks like it - not sure how long it's sustainable for, but it seems to be an aid to losing weight in my personal experience. 

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The claim was first made public on Oprah Winfrey in 2004 - if you substitute green tea for your coffe, then you will lose 10lbs in 6 weeks - the green tea alters your metabolism, is thermogenic and is a mild diuretic.

Green tea is different to other teas even though it's made out of the same plant - camellia sinensis.

It is steamed rather than fermented and so retains the anti-oxidants that other teas lose in the processing.

These anti-oxidants are powerful and are believed to help combat a variety of modern day problems, such as cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and similar 'lifestyle' diseases - what has become known as 'metabolic syndrome' which encompasses all those lifestyle issues. 

Green tea is commonly drunk in China and Japan - one study found that even though around 75 per cent of Japanese men smoke, the rate of heart disease is quite low - speaks for itself, don't you think?

Green tea weight loss - my personal experience

There has been much research and I'm not for one minute making any wild claims that green tea is the wonder drug of the 21st century.

What I can tell you though, is that I have been drinking green tea instead of coffee for just one week and have made no other alterations in my lifestyle and I have experienced a weight loss.

I haven't weighed myself accurately, but I think I've lost around 3 lbs - what I do know is that my trousers don't feel as tight around the legs and seat - hopefully next week, my waist will feel a bit better :-)  Update - after 6 weeks I had lost 7 pounds with NO alteration to my diet in any other ways. 

If you have any stories about your green tea weight loss, then please let me know and I'll publish them to give encouragement to other dieters.

It does no harm - it's got less caffiene than a cup of instant coffee and there are no side effects to speak of.

It is considered to be a diuretic and purgative, but I've had no need to camp out in the bathroom.

The other side effect people sometimes report is insomnia - but if you're a coffee drinker already, then green tea contains under half of the caffeine, so it shouldn't affect you.

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