How to Make Green Tea

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green tea infusing in a mug of water

I've been asked by Celia from Leicester how to make green tea.

Well, it's not a lot different from making any other type of tea really.

If you have green tea leaves, then use one teaspoon per cup - much like you would normally.

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Some people swear by using spring or filtered water. To be honest, I feel that's only necessary if you have really hard water.

Boiling gets rid of most impurities and if you have cooled boiled water to make baby formula milk, then I think it's good enough to make tea.

How to make green tea

Allow the water to come 'off the boil' slightly - leave about 30 seconds - and pour gently over the leaves.

Allow to brew for 3 to 5 minutes and then strain into a cup.

If I'm using tea leaves,  like to use a filter pot, with a plunger, the type you would use for fresh coffee is ideal.

That way you don't get the leaves floating around.

I never sweeten it or add milk - some people like to add honey, so if you need a sweetener, try a spoon of honey.  If you're just starting with green tea, you may find it a little bitter - if that's the case, then dip the end of your teaspoon in the honey and stir it in, which might just be enough to take the edge off the bitterness. 

You can use the green tea leaves once more if you want.

As soon as you've finished the tea, plunge the leaves into cold water - or throw a couple of ice cubes into the pot - then strain off the remaining liquid.

Use again, the same day preferably to make a second brewing.

I don't normally do that, but some people say you can - give it a try and if it isn't to your taste, then don't do it again.

If you're using green tea bags, then follow the instructions above, but don't re-use the bags.  I put a saucer on top of the cup whilst I'm letting it brew, it keeps the heat in the cup and also prevents any volatile oils escaping. 

You can reuse your tea bags by storing them up and use them as dressing around the base of your plants.They will act as water retainers as well as mulch and return some goodness to the soil. 

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