Basil Chicken Recipe

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basil, butter and chicken for basil chicken

This superbly easy basil chicken recipe will look after itself, which makes it a great meal to serve when you've got a busy day.

Put some large potatoes into the oven to bake at the same time, cook some peas or make a salad and you've got an extremely low effort meal.

Resting the chicken for 20 minutes after cooking, lets the juices go back into the meat, making it really succulent and much easier to carve. It won't go cold in that time.

You can carve it up to have as a hot meal one evening and use it in sandwiches, curry or enchiladas for another day. Superbly economical as well as tasty.

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The first job is to make the basil butter.

Take about 1/4 cup, 2 oz (50g) of butter or whatever type of spread you prefer.

Soften it in the microwave for a few seconds if it's hard.

basil sprinkled on top of butter in a dish

Add about a teaspoon of dried basil or you can use a handful of fresh chopped basil.

Use an ordinary kitchen fork and mix it together.

basil mixed into butter

Pull the skin up away from the flesh.

Start at the neck end and work your fingers under the chicken skin.

I tend to just loosen the skin over the breast, but you can pull the skin away from the legs as well if you like.

whole fresh chicken pulling skin away from flesh to put in the basil butter

Put it in a medium to hot oven - 350F, 180C, Gas Mark 4.

I like my chicken well done, so I would give a small chicken around an hour and a half. The general rule is 20 minutes per pound and 20 minutes on top.

You will get a lovely golden crispy skin.

cooked basil chicken

Take it out of the roasting tin and put a piece of foil over to cover the chicken loosely.

Leave for around 20 minutes.

This lets the meat relax, the juices distribute leaving the  meat succulent and makes it easier to carve.

Don't worry, it won't go cold during this time.

basil chicken covered with foil to rest

Serve with some baked potatoes and either peas or salad or fries and coleslaw.

It's a good summer meal because you don't have to spend time in the kitchen when it's warm.

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Basil Chicken Recipe


Basil Chicken Recipe

This superbly easy basil chicken recipe will look after itself, which makes it a great meal to serve when you've got a busy day. Put some large potatoes into the oven to bake at the same time, cook some peas or make a salad and you've got an extremely low effort meal.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 120 minutes

Yield: 4

Main Ingredient: basil, chicken, butter

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