Growing Coriander

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growing coriander

If you’re growing coriander in your herb garden, you need to pick a sunny spot with well drained soil.

You can sow outdoors in Spring for harvesting that year or in Autumn to harvest the following year. Thin out to one plant every 8 inches (20cm) or so.

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It grows to 9-12 inches high (23-3-cm).

Harvest for culinary use during the season, nipping out the flowers as they form. Don't let it set seed too early or it'll stop growing - keep a few plants nipped out and let the rest flower.

It flowers early to mid summer and when the seeds are yellowish brown is the right time to harvest them to use in cooking.

A packet of seeds will produce many plants, so if you pot up your thinnings, coriander might be a good herb to grow for profit. You will get many seeds from your plants as well which you can use to sow for the next year. You could almost start a coriander farm!

Coriander will self seed if left to its own devices - in fact, it could turn into a bit of a weed if you don't want that much.

Growing Coriander indoors

Just take a pot of well watered compost and put a pinch of seeds in it – cover with compost and firm it all down.

When the seed has germinated, thin out to one plant. Keep the coriander growing by watering and pinching out the shoots - if you use it in cooking, be careful to not use more than a third of the stems at a time, leaving the rest to grow on - by that, I mean to cut down one third of the plant, leaving two thirds to grow for the next use and so on - it should recuperate fairly quickly and give you more growth.

Rescue Remedy for Coriander
If you're lucky enough to inherit an established garden but your coriander is out of control, then don't worry too much.

You'll lose a year at the most as you can harvest the seed heads and hang them upside down in a paper bag to ripen - sow the seeds the following spring as above.

Alternatively, just keep the patch free of weeds and allow the coriander to self seed – thin out to the quantity of plants you want to keep.

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