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Flowering lavender growing in a garden

The more adventurous amongst us will use lavender in cooking to flavor sugar for cake baking and desserts. It can also be added to jams and cooked (in muslin bags) with soft fruit.  

See tips box below for more information. 

I make a honey and lavender ice cream - video below of a  two ingredient basic ice cream mix. 

Herbalist Courses for all levels

You can try a sample lesson to help you decide if the Herbal Academy of New England is the right choice for you - click the link below.

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To make tea, take a spoonful of flowers and pour boiling water over - about half a pint - allow to brew for 5 minutes and then strain.

Lavender - for headaches, burns and relaxation 

You can use a cooled infusion as a compress to relieve headaches as well - just make the tea, allow it to cool and then soak a cloth. Apply it to your forehead and relax.

If you apply the essential oil of lavender to burns, scalds or sunburn, it acts as an antiseptic and soothes the skin. It can be applied directly without diluting, one of the few essential oils you can use this way. 

Do be careful though - the treatment for minor burns of any description is cold water first to cool the skin, then when it's cooler, apply the oil to aid healing. 

If you have a serious burn, then you need to seek medical attention.

You can tie a sachet round the hot tap in your bath, allowing water to run over it to scent your bathwater.

It's very soothing and if you suffer from sleep problems, stress or anxiety, then it can help you relax.

To make a lavender sachet, cut the flowers with a good length of stalk on a dry day as soon as the flowers are fully open.

Tie the stalks with string and hang upside down in a warm, dry place - put paper bags over the heads to keep off dust and catch the petals when they fall.

After a week or so, the flowers should be dried - rub them off the stalks.

Cut circles of muslin or similar and put some flowers in the centre - gather up and fasten with a small elastic band then finish off with a ribbon if you want to.

These sachets can be put in with your clothes to give them a wonderful frangrance.

Herb Tips

Lavender Sugar

Make lavender sugar by taking a quantity of caster sugar (this is the type you would regularly use to make cakes) and store it separately, with a few sprigs of fresh or dried lavender in it. It will delicately infuse the fragrance - lavender taste is an 'essence of the smell' I think, it is floral and spicy in combination. If you want to make lavender cakes or biscuits, just use this sugar instead of unflavoured sugar. 

The information on this website is in no way intended as medical advice and nor should it be taken as such.

If symptoms don't improve, consult your doctor. 

If you have a medical condition, you must consult a Herbal Practitioner or a Medical Doctor. 

If you are pregnant, you must consult your doctor or nurse before trying any herbal remedy.

If you are already taking pharmaceuticals, then speak to your doctor about taking herbs - some drugs react badly with herbs and you need to know that you are not going to do more harm than good.

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