HANE Introductory Herbal Course
Unit 3

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kitchen herbal remedies

This is my favorite, the one I was looking forward to most. I think it’ll be most new herablists’ favorite too.

It’s shorter than the last two units - no bad thing!

It covers kitchen and foraging.

I love the idea of this - it means that there’s no waste, what you’ve got on hand can be used and a trip to the local shop will get you what you need.

So many times, I read a recipe and go out and buy the things, then I only use a small amount, it goes out of date and gets thrown away (eventually, after taking up room in my cupboard for a year or more!)

Lesson 1

Introduces the various herbs and spices we use to enhance our cooking and reminds us that the plants we’ve been using for flavor, actually have medicinal properties too. Aiding digestion, warming and relaxing us.

It investigates the usage of spices in warmer climates to preserve food and induce sweating.

Gives advice on assessing herbs and how best to obtain them - grow them yourself is top of  the list! and covers the main culinary herbs you would use on a daily basis, giving their medicinal properties and recommended quantities.

pestle and mortar with fresh herb

Lesson 2

Food is medicine and medicine is food. How true.

This section explains about the digestive qualities of herbs and spices and divides them into aromatics and bitters. 

It covers how kitchen herbs can be used to fight infection, inflammation and anxiety giving plenty of examples and recipes to use them in medicinal quantities.  There are useful warnings about which are safe to use during pregnancy in culinary quantities.

Lesson 3

Wildcraft and foraging - something for free - how wonderful! Fancy making a nettle pesto? Well, there’s a video showing you how.

There are recipes for vinegars, honey and oils made out of culinary herbs and advice about growing, harvesting and preserving.

The Wildcraft and Foraging section covers what’s at risk, how to identify plants and gives guidelines and resources.  You need to be 200 per cent sure what you’re eating. There are photographs of common wild plants and how to use them.

herb oil in a bottle

The Bonus Section

This talks about the ways of the countryside and how town dwellers can share in this by gathering wild plants and growing your own.  There is an excellent wild food calendar (Northern Hemisphere) giving what you can expect to find by season. Good idea for planning when you’re going to make elderflower cordial or elderberry syrup!

The quiz - well, as you know, you have to get 100% to go onto the next Unit, so no pressure there then! I did make a note of my answers and just looked up the ones I’d got wrong first time round. 

Unit 4 is going to be brilliant - about the Nervous System, so it covers stress, headaches, sleep and insomnia. 

It gives details of essential oils that you can use and that is so useful as they last an age, so if you buy some in, they'll last.

The photo below gives you the Unit overview.

man running

If you're interested in finding out more about this herbal course, then click on the photo below which will take you to the HANE website where you can read about the course, see what else is on offer and download a free sample lesson.

I completed the Herbal Academy of New England Introductory Herbal Course last year - I loved doing it.

You'll find recipes for natural remedies, cosmetics and household cleaners, enabling you to ditch chemicals and not expose yourself and your family to the harmful additives that  are in so many products.

Have a read about the course in depth by clicking on the photo. 

Herbal Academy of New England Introductory Herbal Course

Or if you prefer, read my reviews on the other Units in the Introductory Herbal Course by clicking on the links below.

If you have any questions regarding any aspect at all of this course, then please get in touch.

If you want to know if a specific remedy, recipe or topic is included, what the answer to a question is (!) or any random thought you have, please use this box.

It is a fabulous course and I'm certain that you'll love it.

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