Herbs for Sugar Addiction

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The information on this website is in no way intended as medical advice and nor should it be taken as such.

If symptoms don't improve, consult your doctor. 

If you have a medical condition, you must consult a Herbal Practitioner or a Medical Doctor. 

If you are pregnant, you must consult your doctor or nurse before trying any herbal remedy.

If you are already taking pharmaceuticals, then speak to your doctor about taking herbs - some drugs react badly with herbs and you need to know that you are not going to do more harm than good.

Herbs for sugar addiction

People look for solutions to sugar addiction for many reasons.

The first is that they may be in danger of becoming diabetic - or in some cases, already are.

The second is to control their weight - an excessive amount of sweet things can cause a person to become obese.

Of course, these two are not mutually exclusive, and it could be a combination of the two added to a simple desire to have a healthier lifestyle.

Nothing will 'cure' a sugar addiction, but there are herbs that you could substitute which may help curb your use of sugar.

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Quickly absorbed sweeteners can cause blood sugar levels to climb - this causes the pancreas to release insulin and can lead to a let down/pick up vicious circle - always looking for the next 'high' from the sugar hit.

Apart from Sweet Cicely, herbs for sugar addiction are not the kind you would grow in your garden - you will need to buy these from a reputable source.

Sweet Cicely

If you're looking for a simple sugar substitute to use in cooking (such as stewed fruit) then Sweet Cicely works very well and will halve the need for sugar in things such as rhubarb, gooseberries and apple.

You would just put several large fresh leaves and some chopped stalks into the cooking water - you would then need only half of the sugar.

It works by reducing the acidity.

sweet cicely

Sweet Cicely

Herbs for sugar addiction - these are herbs that you are unlikely to be able to grow in your garden. 

Liquorice root is extremely sweet. You can buy it powdered to use as a tea to satisfy sugar cravings or add a bit of powder as a sweetener to your own hot drinks.

Be careful how much you use as it is commonly known to promote bowel movements!

It is a potent anti-oxidant and helps digestion in addition to being an anti-infammatory.

Some studies indicate that it reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Do be cautious and consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure, heart, liver or kidney disease. It can raise blood pressure with very little usage - maybe just one a day. 

Ashwaganda root (Withania somnifera) This is known as “Indian ginseng,” and is an adaptogen which means that it will help relieve stress in the body - they help to balance, restore and protect. 

It’s used in Ayurvedic medicine and although it’s unrelated to true ginseng it shares some properties.

It regulates the metabolism which will help the sugar cravings and is used at around 1g dose per day.

Ginseng root will help stabalise blood sugar and so could be used on a regular basis to help fight sugar cravings.

You can get many different types of Ginseng, combined with teas, honey, royal jelly and other combinations.

Each have their own properties and it is best to run a bit of a trial to see which helps the most.

Two to three months should be enough to see whether the combination you have chosen has made a difference.

In addition to herbs for sugar addiction, you can try the following:

Chromium helps to regulate blood sugar levels and some studies have shown that it reduces glucose levels in Type II diabetics.

The dose would be between 200 to 1000mcg a day.

Vitamin B6 is also recommended - up to 1000 mg a day.

Another useful supplement would be to take a daily Chromium and Vitamin B6.

Use licorice to make a tea when you have strong cravings and Ginseng to build long term stability. If you have high blood pressure, kidney or liver problems, one cup of liquorice tea a day is your limit. 

Also use Sweet Cicely in cooking to reduce the need for sugar.

The information on this website is in no way intended as medical advice and nor should it be taken as such.

If symptoms don't improve, consult your doctor. 

If you have a medical condition, you must consult a Herbal Practitioner or a Medical Doctor. 

If you are pregnant, you must consult your doctor or nurse before trying any herbal remedy.

If you are already taking pharmaceuticals, then speak to your doctor about taking herbs - some drugs react badly with herbs and you need to know that you are not going to do more harm than good.

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