Sorrel Sauce

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sorrel sauce with salmon

Sorrel sauce is a traditional sauce to serve with fish.

The recipe here is for salmon, but it will go equally well with plaice, megrim, dover sole, lemon sole or any type you prefer.

If you're having trouble sourcing sorrel, then you can substitute spinach.

The recipe here is for two, but you can easily double or triple the quantities to serve more people. 

A 'bunch' sounds a bit vague, and of course it is - if you think of the amount you can hold in your hand like a bunch of flowers, then that 's about right. It will wilt down in the same way as spinach, which becomes a very small amount to look at. 

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Salmon with Sorrel

  • 2 salmon steaks
  • 2 pats of butter
  • 1 medium glass, 150 ml (4fl oz) white wine
  • 2 tbspns creme fraiche/yoghurt
  • 1 bunch sorrel - washed and chopped coarsely

Heat the oven to390F, 200c gas mark 6.

Lay the salmon skin side down in an oven proof dish large enough to take the fish in one layer.

Dot with butter and pour the wine over.

Cook in the oven for around 15 minutes until the fish is firm to the touch. When you push it  with your finger, it should be feel as though if you just gave it a little more of a push, it would go into flakes.

Lift onto warmed serving plates.

Very quickly, pour the juices into a small pan and stir in the creme fraich.

Boil until slightly thickened and stir in the sorrel - it should wilt within 30 seconds or so.

Spoon the sauce over the fish and serve immediately.

Boiled new potatoes, green beans, broccoli or beans are ideal side dishes.

Have the sorrel ready washed and shredded and everything measured out.

You will be using the fish juices and having to keep the fish warm whilst you make the sauce - takes literally a minute - but speed is essential.

In the same way, have your vegetables ready to serve as well - you literally just need to wilt the sorrel and pour it over the fish immediately.

Spinach can be used in a similar way if you can't find sorrel and just want a green sauce.

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